Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

Houston's Largest Ham Radio Club

Welcome to BVARC!

The Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club (BVARC) (organized in 1978) is One of the largest, most active amateur radio club in Texas.  The club is growing and expanded its activities over the greater Houston area.

BVARC is a general interest club with an impressive record of public service. From contests to educational classes to supporting area fund raising events, BVARC has always been active in displaying the “art” of amateur radio. By being active and committed, it has brought the recognition and status as a “Special Service Club” from American Radio Relay League (ARRL) which is a national organization for amateur radio.

When you become a member of BVARC you join a family of ham radio enthusiasts that have decades of knowledge and experience to share.  Our membership is not just for amateur radio operators but is open to anyone with an interest in amateur radio and we welcome anyone licensed or not.

If you would like to get into amateur radio, BVARC is a great place to start. With over 340 members, you will have plenty of assistance to help you along your path into the hobby. Even if you are a newly licensed amateur radio operator or “ham” we are here to answer questions as you learn more about the hobby.

Our in-person meetings are held normally on the second Thursday of each month at the Community Volunteer Fire Department Community Center, 16005 Bellaire Blvd, Houston, 77083. The Fire station is approximately 1.5 miles west of the intersection of Bellaire Blvd and Highway 6. If you need directions, you can always give a call out on the 146.94 repeater (minus offset/167.9 tone)

So come out to a meeting and talk to some of the members to learn about the hobby. If you cannot make the meeting, most of them will also be held on ZOOM. Information on this website.

Mike Hardwick, N5VCX

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

What is Amateur Radio?

Amateur radio, often called Ham Radio, is both a hobby and a service we use various types of radio communication equipment to communicate with other radio amateurs for public service, recreation, and self-training.

Amateur radio operators enjoy personal (and often worldwide) wireless communications with each other and are able to support their communities with emergency and disaster communication if necessary. 

How Do I Become a Ham?

Before you can get on the air, you need to be licensed and know the rules to operate legally. US licenses are good for 10 years before renewal. There are three license classes: Technician, General and Extra.

BVARC holds VE exam sessions every month for anyone who wants to get their amateur license or upgrade an existing license. 

Houston Area Repeaters

There are huge repeater lists on the internet everywhere!, We have thrown together some good starter frequencies for a new ham.

146.94 – One of the most popular repeaters in the Area. 
147.200 – Katy KARS club repeater
147.080 – Echo Society
– Echo Society
147.240 – Cross Roads Club
146.860 – Clear lake Club

– Katy KARS club repeater
– Very Active Repeater
443.075 – NARS club
444.400 – Echo Society
442.750 – Clear Lake Club

462.725 – Memorial Park

Houston Fire Dispatch
460.575 – 

BVARC Sponsored On Air Nets

12noon Stir Crazy Net – 146.94
8pm Public service net – 146.94
12noon Stir Crazy Net – 146.94

12noon Stir Crazy Net – 146.94
7pm Rag Chew Net – 3.910 Mhz
12noon Stir Crazy Net – 146.94
12noon Stir Crazy Net – 146.94

General Club News & Events

POTA Activity parks on the Air

POTA: Parks on the Air
its amazing fun being out in nature with your ham radio buddies making contacts all over the world.

Parks on the air is growing superfast, Enjoy Nature, history, food  and camaraderie .. Oh, and Ham radio!!

BVARC Elmers

Hams Helping Hams
Working on a system to make it easy for BVARC members to find expert help from other BVARC members.  Ideas on this can be emailed to

Persons to Call
Mike Hardwick – N5VCX -Club President – – 713-826-6917

Eddie Runner – NU5K – Web Guy – – 713-569-8799

Would anyone else like to be on this list?  Or help develop a list of subjects and experts to help new hams.


A few folks have asked about HAMIAM.. it is kind of a joke between some BVARC members.. it is a secret word implanted in an email, text article or website to determine who reads it.. normally a sentence that says “if you read this reply with hamiam.”  Stemming from conversations about who reads or cares about some folks efforts..

Club Photojournalist wanted

I am looking for anyone interested in teaming with me and taking photos of BVARC club events. No special skill is required. I am just interested in the photos you take of the events that you are willing to have posted in our archive folder on the website.

The goal is to have a group of us available at our club events to capture still-life and video of the many great people and the things they are doing. So, we have a historical archive for future generations. The process would be we pan out and enjoy the event taking photos or video along the way. I will gather the media from the group at the end of the event and disseminate our collection for proper archiving. If we are able to capture enough usable video clips I plan to compile those into a produced video and place it on our YouTube Channel. A cell phone camera is capable of these captures and no special equipment is required, or if you happen to have dedicated camera equipment feel free to put it to work. Thanks in advance for your interest in this much needed club support.

If you have any photos you would like to share from past events or of upcoming events please send them to me off the reflector at

BVARC Training or Classroom Available
At Bayland Community Center

BVARC reserves a four hour block for training or programs. If you would like to do a program or have a training class, please contact Mike Hardwick, N5VCX at to reserve your date. The time that has been reserved is 9 am to 1 pm. The room is assigned by Bayland staff that morning. The reservation is free to the club and any member can use it.  

So if you would like to have a training class or present a program on amateur radio for the community, here is your chance and place to hold it.  
Where:  Bayland Community Center
6400 Bissonnet St
Houston, TX 77074
July 20th    
August 17th 
September 21st
October 19th   
November 23rd   
December 28th 

BVARC Meeting Eating Schedule

Please RSVP for food to Scott


Newest Members

Frederick Kimmey – WB5RAI
Wade Mcknight – W4TWM
Kenny Summer – N5RPQ
Daniel Godbout – KD2DVG
Frank Ruggiero – KJ5DXB
Bill Lyons – KB1IFR
Kevin Beddow – KJ5FZA
David Johnson – W5FZ
James Johnson – KJ5EVE
Blake Alley – KJ5EYU
James Brown – K4USN
Richard Ledford – KI5LFX
Mitchel Coffman – KJ5EVP
Pete Swenson – N5APS
John E Cooley
Jason Althaus – KJ5EJC
Joshua Trione – KI5FPW

Newest Life Members

Robert Beauchamp – AI5QE
Ronald Mahle – N6RAM
Thomas Larsh – K5TNL
Lee Usry – K5BLU
Johnathan Taylor – KI5OZK
Sean Linkenheimer -N5LNK
Jorge Guterrez – WK5J
Mark McGrath – N5VCM
Patrick Sloan – N5JRY
Kirc Bredin – N5XJB
Ivan Shabelev – KI5SSL
Reid WIlliams – KR3IDO
Jeffery Carson – KF5ONT
David Stevens – KI5LDZ
Robert Schaer – N5DIB
Arthur Lim – KF5JHJ

Recent Silent Keys

Willis Cook – K5EWJ
Mark Braun – W5THC
Gus Bernard – K5GMB
Charlie Prochaska – KG5KV
Cameron Mitchel – K5CAM
Michael Mustachia – KF5PHA
Steve Chancellor – KF5M
Michael Scarcella  WA5TWT
Chris Heustis – W5GX
Howard Hargrove – KF5EYX
Ross Lawler – W5HFF
Tom Morton – W5TOM
Dan Gannon – WA5ANF

Recent Donations

Glen Jenkins – WB4KTF – BVARC $20
Richard Cary – K5RBC – POTA $10
Terry Leatherland – K5PGF – BVARC $50
Matthew Miller – K5LKV – BVARC $10
Robert Cullen – K5TPC – BVARC $20
Matthew Miller – K5LKV – FD $10
Richard Cary – K5RBC – FD $20
Richard Bonica – KG5YCU -FD $50
Matthew Miller – K5LKV – FD $10
Richard Cary – K5RBC- 146.94 $10
Richard Cary – K5RBC – FD $10
Matthew Miller – K5LKV – BVARC $10
Matthew Miller – K5LKV – POTA $10
Richard Bonica – KG5YCU – POTA $50
Rudolph Pickut – KI5LQS – POTA $10

Area Weekly Social Gatherings

Saturday Breakfast

IHOP Stafford

12725 Southwest Fwy, Stafford, TX 77477

Wednesday Lunch

11:00am to Noon 

10575 W Airport Blvd, Stafford, TX 77477

Dealers that support BVARC

River Oaks Car Stereo
4129 Richmond Ave
Supporting BVARC since 1990

River Oaks Car Stereo  
Will be Closed permanently as of January 1st 2025.  
End of lease after 35 years of great fun. 

Eddie – NU5K 
Dwayne – KB5YTA 
Jr. – KB5OBB 
Suzanne – KF5GWZ
Patricia – K5PLR

Advertising on this website!
$30 for six months

$50 for one year

Donate to BVARC

Donate to BVARC!
Support your local Ham Club


Donate to Field Day!

Donate to 146.94 Repeater Fund!
We all use the repeater everyday.

Donate to Museum Ship Weekend!
Help with Expenses

We do get a lot of Donations, as well as questions about donations.
BVARC is a 501c Organization, your donations to BVARC are Tax Deductible as well as a benefit to the Ham Radio  community.

You can donate below with your credit card, or you can donate in person at one of our meetings. You can not only donate cash, but you can also donate equipment or supplies.

Ask our Treasurer for a receipt.

To Everyone : I want to thank you for volunteering to help me proof read this website.  I am not very good at spelling sometimes, and I often hurry to get new information up on the site and do not notice simple errors.. They keep trying to fire me.. But I keep on keepin on.. Doing BVARC web pages since 2009.. I welcome any permanent help with the website as well.. if your interested email and or
REPORT errors to: Eddie Runner(NU5K)