Local Nets

We have numerous nets available throughout the week that you are welcome to participate in with us.  Members and non-members are all welcome to come and particpate and share ideas related to ham radio.  In addition, we have a number of members that volunteer to be net control operators for the various nets.  If you are interested in being a net control operator, you can contact John, K5LKJ for more info using the form below.

Stir Crazy Net

Every day Mon-Fri at noon (12pm) on the 146.94 (PL Tone is 167.9, – shift) repeater is the now famous STIR CRAZY NET.

Monday Night Net

Every Monday 8PM on 146.94 repeater.  (PL Tone is 167.9, – shift)

QuestionAIR Net

Come join us for a new Net hosted by Charlotte (KI5TRQ) and Henry (K5HRP) every Tuesday at 7:00 PM on 146.940 MHz with a – Shift and
PL Tone of 167.9

Wednesday Night Net

Rag chew net has been every Wed night at 7PM for decades… 3910 KHz +/- 3 KHz