Ham Radio Resources
- Nets
- Local and neighborhood
- Official (ARES, RACES, etc.)
- Social
- Gatherings
- Clubs
- Socials, POTA, SOTA
- Hamventions, hamfests, expositions, exhibitions, and conferences
- Training, sharing, build-it nights
- Contesting
- Fox hunts
- Parks on the Air
- Summits on the Air
- Logging your radio contacts
- Earning awards with Ham Radio
- Digital radio (DMR)
- Building Antennas or Radios
- Experimenting
- Repairing
- Contacting methods
- Space contacting
- Contact the ISS
- Satellites
- Giving back
- Join ARES
- Join RACES – Google Search for your local RACES
- Sign up with the Red Cross
- Become a Volunteer Examiner
- Become an Elmer
- Teach ham radio courses
- Serve in events and weekend watches
- Monitoring
- Other
- Learn Morse code (CW)
- Spotting
- Join ARRL
- Repeaters, repeater verification
- Skywarn
- History of Car Radio