Wednesday Night Ragchew Script

Opening Script

(Net Starts at 7:00 PM sharp)


This is _(call)________, net control station for the Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club Rag-Chew Net. This net originates from the Houston metropolitan area and is a public service of the Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club. This net meets each Wednesday at 7:00 p m on 3910 KHz (+/- 3 KHz). All amateurs with license authorization for this frequency are  encouraged to check in each week.

If you do not have equipment or license authorization for this frequency, you are urged to check in by telephone at _(give phone #)__ and you will be added to our weekly roster.

This is an informal net to share information and make any announcements pertaining to HF operation. The only thing that net control will be responsible for is listing check-ins and giving each member their turn to contribute to the net. Check-ins may call other stations directly without going through net control.

This is __(call)__________ and my name is _(name)__. I am located in __(city),__Texas____. The net is now open for any check-ins on the air. 


I would like to remind all members about the Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club Public Service Information Net on the 145.47 or 146.94 repeaters Monday evenings at 8:00 p.m. Tonight we had _(# of)__ check-ins. I would like to thank all members and visitors, who checked into the net, and encourage you to meet with us each Wednesday evening on the net. This is _(call)_____ returning the frequency back to normal amateur use.